Thursday, August 26, 2010


Wow!  I thought I had the house ready for Lynn's homecoming but I discovered last night and today that I had no idea the changes we had to make around the house and in our routines to make this work.  Fortunately Becky arrived from Albuquerque today to help.  Our first order of business was to clear the bedroom of everything but the bed and two nightstands.  That way Lynn can get around it in his wheelchair and I can more easily help him in the night.  Tomorrow we will tackle the bathroom  because, to make everything accessible, it is out on countertops and there is too much clutter everywhere.

Lynn was out in his shop also trying to figure out how to rearrange it so he can continue his hobbies out there.

All of this is hard work but we also all agree it is so good to have Lynn home!


  1. So glad that Becky is home to help you and Lynn in this transition - can't imagine all that one has to think about - but you will do it and with grace!

    Love you two, Lin

  2. Missed you out at the river. Been looking for another update, Must be too busy livin' life. No news is good news.
