Sunday, October 3, 2010

How is Lynn Doing?

This is a question I get asked so many times per day and I find it hard to know how to answer.  On one hand, we are adjusting amazingly well and are slowly but surely doing many of the things we used to do before: attend church, go for walks, work around the house, laugh, etc. But on the other hand, there are continued struggles with issues of paralysis that seem daunting.  For example, it is hard to imagine Lynn ever getting to eat anywhere but home ever again.

As you can tell this week our days were dominated by food - is he eating the wrong things?  too much? too little?  not at the right times? too spicy?? too greasy??  They made bowel management sound so easy in Rehab - the reality is something different.  So our strategy this coming week is twofold:  a food diary and research.  Please pray we can get this worked out because Lynn's freedom of movement is at stake.

So.. when you ask me how he is doing I am probably going to say he is hanging in there because the real explanation is just too hard to explain.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynn and Nancy,
    I've been remiss in following your progress, although you have been on my prayer list since Iheard the news. Joe put an update on facebook today, and I thought, "where is that blog address?". Please know that I will be a more faithful follower, so I may know specifically how to pray.

    Hugs to you both,
