Sunday, October 10, 2010

New Reason for Hope

I was in the kitchen Friday morning and Lynn called for me to come in to the bedroom.  "Watch my left foot," he said.  "I think I am moving it."  Now I had heard this from him many times before but the great news is that this time, he WAS moving his left foot voluntarily.  I watched him do it three times and I screamed for Joe to come downstairs and Lynn moved it for him too!  The movement is a small one but definite - no tricks of the eyes!  Lynn said also that he has felt his left top thigh muscle move since that time at OT and he was pretty sure he had seen the foot move too.  He was ready to test it by calling us in.  He is being very unemotional about it because he knows he may be told it doesn't mean a whole lot.  I, however, have sensed his body is continuing to heal.

I am the one who positions his legs each night in bed and there have been other signs.  His right leg has begun to have a small amount of feeling and to involuntarily spasm - a big change from pretty much nothing during rehab.  It also is warmer than it used to be.  If the right is waking up, you have to think the left must be too.
Anyway, please keep praying.  I just remember Jesus in Scripture admiring the persistence of the widow with the judge. 

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