Saturday, July 17, 2010

Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - July 17th

The Good -  The OT helped Lynn put clothes on and he got out of his hospital gown for 3/4ths of the day.
The PT  and aides helped him make a successful slide move into his wheelchair and he took a tour of the Center.
I found out there is a public computer on the floor so I can blog during the day instead of waiting to come home.

The Bad - There was a higher level of back pain today doing these activities in spite of pretty heavy doses of pain medication.  The doctor ordered a post operative MRI to see if there is something visible causing the pain.

The Ugly - Sacred Heart does not do MRIs on the weekends so Lynn had to be transported to River Bend.  When he got there, however, inspite of a pain/med cocktail, he just couldn't take the pain in his lower back for the 45 min. he needed to be flat on his back and still.  They had to stop and send him back to the Center.  The plan now is for him to do this at Sacred Heart on Monday and be under sedation to go through the testing.

Me?  I can handle any changes this event brings except seeing him struggle with this pain,.  Please pray for the doctors that they can determine what is causing this and get a plan to get on top of it.

In gratitude, Nancy

1 comment:

  1. Definitely will be praying for the Dr's to get to the bottom of all this pain - what an ordeal to have to go thru and then not be able to have the MRI - Lynn must have been exhausted with all that!
