Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's the Little Things! July 22nd

Last night Lynn had his first shower in 12 days and got to wash his hair. It made him feel so good! Good thing! He really got serious about his physical therapy today. Transfers to the wheelchair are going more smoothly and more often plus there is only one PT present now. Being an athlete and coach he responds quickly to instructions and understands body movement. I even got into the act and learned how to tip the chair back to give him pressure relief. Another good day!

PS My mom's surgery went well.

PPS Here is a better number for the Rehab Center. Dan Tow tells me the one I posted before doesn't work. 541-686-7400 Room 589

Thank you all for EVERYTHING!!! Nancy


  1. Glad to hear today was a good day!!!

  2. So pleased your mom's surgery went well. What a relief for your dad especially. Your optimism is wonderful Nance, Lynn, you are a ROCK! You are in my waking thoughts constantly. You inspire and awe me sir. We all have much to learn from you through these coming months as you work on the climb of your victory wall of independence.You are loved precious man. Love and prayer daily,

  3. So glad to hear that your Mom's surgery went well, Nancy. One more hurdle - glad to hear of Lynn's progress too - you both have me standing in awe - know that prayers and love are sent your way all the day long!

    Love, Lin

  4. Lynn & Nancy - Our hearts extend out to you guys. We just heard about what you've been going through and trust me when I say you are in our prayers! Lynn's determination is inspiring. God bless you both. Lots of love ~ The Paul's (TJ, Amber, Mason, and baby boy#2)
